Cerevrum is a new approach to learning in virtual reality!
Using his intelligence, a player steps in conflict of Gods in the world of Enuma. The challenge of the first game – to destroy hordes of enemy’s spaceships!
In second game player defends Soul Crystals from enemies. A player needs to use one of his cognitive skills: either memory, attentiveness, figural synthesis or spatial intelligence – to play and win!
“Education does indeed have a lot of potential for use within VR, though this is the first time that it’s been applied in this way” – VRFocus
“You are completely enveloped by this brain training environment. It helps you focus, which lets you adapt mentally to each new level and progress to the next stage.” – Radical Science News
“Throw out any preconceived notions you may have about this game because it isn’t quite what you’re going to expect, and there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.” – Touchstone Research
Gear VR (S8): Tested
Quest 1: Tested (6DOF)
Quest 3: Tested
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