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Hidden Fortune is an adventurous treasure hunt through a virtual world of enchantment, with Chapter One: Outcast Cove now free to play!
Chapter Two: Shanty Seas is available through single purchase, and unlocks over two hours of new content, including Wands, Orbs, and areas to discover.
As a sorcerer on a daring rescue mission, players must use their magic-cast with the Gear VR touchpad or controller – to explore the vivid world around them, and collect peculiar trinkets to aid in their quest.
- Cast Your Magic: Tap the Gear VR or swing the Gear VR Controller to cast magic Orbs, capture trinkets, make charming new acquaintances, and solve tricky puzzles.
- Enter the Wands: These collectable magic devices enable seamless interaction with the virtual world. Orienting intuitively to your hand’s movements, each Wand has unique art and visual effects
- New Challenges: Each quest in Outcast Cove and Shanty Seas now offers three levels of difficulty to test your wizarding skill.
Gear VR (S8): Tested
Quest 1: Tested (6DOF)
Quest 3: Tested
Download “com.archiactinteractive.hiddenfortunegearvr_Resigned.apk”
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